Don’t Live Like You Used To
In this sermon on Ephesians 4:17-32, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that Christians live according to who they are in Christ.
Why Do You Seek The Living Among The Dead?
In this sermon on Luke 23:50-24:12, guest preacher Doug O'Donnell preaches an Easter sermon on the eyewitness testimony to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The Gifts Jesus Gives To His Church
In this sermon on Ephesians 4:7-16, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that the gifts Christ gives to His people are for the ministry, maturity, and unity of His church.
Unity In The Church
In this sermon on Ephesians 4:1-6, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that our unity in Christ calls for unity in the church.
A Prayer For Spiritual Strength
In this sermon on Ephesians 3:14-21, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to pray for one another to know Christ's love and be filled with His fullness because God is able.
The Mystery Of The Gospel Revealed
In this sermon on Ephesians 3:1-13, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages every believer in Christ to take heart in the glorious mystery of God’s grace for you.
Brought Near By The Blood Of Christ
In this sermon on Ephesians 2:11-22, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to remember that Christ’s blood has brought us near to God and to one another.
Made Alive By Grace Alone
In this sermon on Ephesians 2:1-10, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages those in Christ to be amazed by God’s grace in salvation and walk in the good works He's prepared for you.
Remembering One Another In Our Prayers
In this sermon on Ephesians 1:15-23, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that our blessings in Christ should move us to pray for the spiritual needs of one another.
Our Spiritual Blessings In Christ
In this sermon on Ephesians 1:1-14, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to praise God for the spiritual blessings we have in Christ.
The Heir Of All Things - Part Two
In this sermon on Hebrews 1, Pastor Scott Ballance focuses in on the person of Jesus Christ who is the heir of all things.
The Heir Of All Things - Part One
In this sermon on Hebrews 1, Pastor Scott Ballance talks about how Jesus is the heir of all things.
God-Breathed & Profitable
In this sermon on 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to trust the Word of God for what it is and what it does.
New Year / New Self
In this sermon on Colossians 3:1-17, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that he Christian life involves knowing who you are in Christ, and putting on the new self in place of the old.
Breakfast With The Risen Jesus
In this sermon on John 21, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to believe and follow Jesus, the risen Savior, who redeems and restores those who have failed Him.
Do Not Disbelieve, But Believe
In this sermon on John 20:19-31, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that the whole point of this passage is that we would believe and that in believing in Jesus we would have life in His name.
The Resurrection
In this sermon on John 20:1-18, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that believing in the risen Savior leads to joy and gospel proclamation.
The Death & Burial Of Jesus
In this sermon on John 19:31-42, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that our belief and commitment to Jesus deepens as we consider His death.
The Shame & The Glory Of The Cross
In this sermon on John 19:16b-30, Dave DeHaan explains that the shame of the Cross displays the glory of God’s eternal plan accomplished by our Savior-King.
Behold Your King!
In this sermon on John 19:1-16, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that your response to Jesus, the true King and Son of God, will determine where you will spend eternity.