
Our Elders

The elders/pastors of the church shepherd and lead the congregation by teaching the Word, praying for the people, and overseeing the affairs of the church. They are responsible to hold to sound doctrine and rebuke those who contradict it. (1 Timothy 3; Titus 1; 1 Peter 5:1-2).

Tony Doppke

Lead Pastor/Elder

Tony was raised in Lake Zurich, IL, and came to know Christ at the age of 19. He is married to Dianne and together they have two children (Zoe and Zeke). Tony received his Bachelor’s Degree from Trinity International University and is currently in the process of getting his Master of Divinity at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Tony has been the main preaching pastor at Calvary since 2021. He enjoys specialty coffee, fishing, and spending time with his family.

Scott Ballance

Associate Pastor/Elder

Scott was raised in West Chicago, IL, and came to saving faith in Jesus when he was 20. He is married to Paula and together they have six children (Laura, Amy, Melinda, Daniel, Jon, James). Scott also is the owner of a custom wood working business that has served the Chicagoland area for over 35 years. He has been a pastor at Calvary since 2009.

Our Deacons

At Calvary, deacons serve the church by meeting physical needs, promoting unity, and supporting the ministry of the Word. The biblical role of deacons is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the church so that the pastors/elders can concentrate on their primary calling. The biblical qualifications of a deacon are nearly identical to the elders, minus teaching and preaching (1 Timothy 3:8-13).

  • Orley Cain

    Deacon Of Finance

  • Bill Rahn

    Deacon Of Welcome

  • Jim Schneider

    Deacon Of Building And Grounds

  • Tim Sheppard

    Deacon Of Technology

  • Mark Steffen

    Deacon Of Member Care And Benevolence

Our Staff

  • Michael Drew

    Director of Music

  • Nita Springer

    Church Secretary

  • Scott Ballance

    Associate Pastor

  • Tony Doppke

    Lead Pastor

Church Office Nominations