God-Breathed & Profitable
In this sermon on 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to trust the Word of God for what it is and what it does.
New Year / New Self
In this sermon on Colossians 3:1-17, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that he Christian life involves knowing who you are in Christ, and putting on the new self in place of the old.
Breakfast With The Risen Jesus
In this sermon on John 21, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to believe and follow Jesus, the risen Savior, who redeems and restores those who have failed Him.
Do Not Disbelieve, But Believe
In this sermon on John 20:19-31, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that the whole point of this passage is that we would believe and that in believing in Jesus we would have life in His name.
The Resurrection
In this sermon on John 20:1-18, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that believing in the risen Savior leads to joy and gospel proclamation.
The Death & Burial Of Jesus
In this sermon on John 19:31-42, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that our belief and commitment to Jesus deepens as we consider His death.
Behold Your King!
In this sermon on John 19:1-16, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that your response to Jesus, the true King and Son of God, will determine where you will spend eternity.
The Faithful Savior For Unfaithful Disciples
In this sermon on John 18:13-40, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that we trust in a faithful Savior who never fails, even when we do.
Betrayed And Arrested In The Garden
In this sermon on John 18:1-12, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that our salvation and security is in Jesus, who willingly drank the cup of God's wrath for us.
The High Priestly Prayer
In this sermon on John 17, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that believers should join Jesus in praying for His glory, our holiness, and church unity.
Your Sorrow Will Turn Into Joy
In this sermon on John 16:16-33, Pastor Tony Doppke encourages us to take heart in our pain and sorrow, for Jesus brings joy and peace.
When The Holy Spirit Comes
In this sermon on John 16:4b-15, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that our gospel witness depends on the Holy Spirit, who convicts and leads to the truth about Jesus.
Why The World Hates Christians
In this sermon on John 15:18-16:4, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that as we follow Jesus, we should expect hatred from the world and help from the Spirit in our witness to the world.
The True Vine
In this sermon on John 15:1-17, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that true disciples have fruitful lives because they abide in Christ.
Jesus Promises The Holy Spirit
In this sermon on John 14:15-31, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that the Holy Spirit comforts and empowers disciples to love and obey Jesus.
Comfort For Troubled Hearts
In this sermon on John 14:1-14, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that believing in Jesus and His promises brings comfort to troubled hearts.
Betrayal, Denial, And A New Commandment
In this sermon on John 13:21-38, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that disciples of Jesus are known by their Christ-like love for one another.
The Savior And People Of The Towel
In this sermon on John 13:1-20, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that those who have been washed by Jesus, serve one another because of the gospel and His example.
What Is Meaningful Membership?
In this sermon on church membership, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that committing to meaningful membership in a local church is essential to following Jesus.
What Is A Congregationally-Governed Church?
In this sermon on being a congregational-governed church, Pastor Tony Doppke explains that the congregation of a local church has the final authority under God's Word in matters of doctrine, membership, discipline, and appointment of church offices.